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Busy, busy, busy! With all the hustle and bustle, people struggle to “find time” (has it gone lost?) to do everything they need to do. As a husband, father of three children, blogger, writer, preacher, etc., I know what busy is. I started to ask myself, “What can I do to get more time”? Then God began to teach me and show me that I didn’t need more time, but that I need to manage my time better. So after some thought and creativity, I came up with three reasons why people don’t have enough time:

Time Wasters

Time wasters are things that are taking up your time that don’t need to be. Spending hours on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, playing with apps on your phone, watching YouTube videos, checking irrelevant emails, etc. We all do it; I’m as guilty as the next person. That is part of the reason why I wrote this, as a friendly reminder to myself – but I’m very delighted to share this knowledge with you too!

Eliminating time wasters means knowing what to eliminate and what not to eliminate. Not everything we do is waste of time, but a lot of it is…

Not Knowing What Is Most Important

Knowing what is most important means knowing what you should be doing and what you shouldn’t be doing. Life can be broken down into two basic categories:

  • Relationships and Responsibilities
  • God’s purpose and plan for your life.

Relationships and Responsibilities: these are the basic things you know you should be doing 

  • Keeping an active, open, and consistent line of communication with those most important to you (relationships) and
  • Taking care of your duties and obligations (responsibilities)

Relationships include your relationship first and foremost with God, your family, and your friends. Responsibilities include taking care of your health, job/career, household tasks, financial obligations, ministry etc. In general what you need to know on a day to day basis to live your life. 

Taking care of your basic relationships and responsibilities is more about doing that knowing. These are things you know you should be doing; it’s just a matter of actually doing. It’s a matter of prioritizing and making sure those things get done. We will discuss this more later but, by learning better time management tools and techniques you will find it much easier and faster to do these these things. In terms of relationship you can learn to be better organized, for example creating reminders for yourself to call or email someone…

Knowing God’s purpose and plan for your life: God’s purpose and plan for your life is multilayered because God has a both a plan for your future but also for your present. I believe God’s plan for your present is to first take care of your relationships and your responsibilities. But after that it requires something deeper, it requires seeking God’s face and knowing what direction He wants you to go in terms of your future. Should you get married and if so to whom and when? Should you go to college and if so where and what would your major be? Should you start a business and if so what kind of business? What ministry is calling you to? (everyone is called to some kind of a ministry).

 Noises and Distraction

Part of having more time and more money is being able to filter out what is most important. With Social Media, YouTube, TV, radio, thousands of new websites every day, it can be difficult to focus on what is most important.

Poor Time Management Techniques and Strategies

When you a) eliminate the time wasters and b) get focused on what is most important, now you are sitting in a good place. The next thing you need to do is learn more practical time management tools, techniques, and strategies. There are are a ton of resources, tools, and techniques out there that can save you a TON of time. To learn more how to save time and BREAK FREE from overwhelm, check back here at  for my next blog post:


                                         “4 Tools That Have Saved Me a TON of Time AND How I use them”



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James Robor
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